East Lansing patrons now have two ways to access Consumer Reports, the most trusted name in vetted and tested reviews and ratings of products.
If you want to browse the Consumer Reports website, use the library's subscription to Consumer Reports, opens a new window. This gives you full access to the site including descriptive images. You will need a username and password to access the site both of which are included on the page listed above.
If you know what you are looking for and want to search the entire Consumer Reports index, use the Consumer Reports Article Index, opens a new window, brought to you by MeL, the Michigan Electronic Library. You may need to sign-in using your library card number or Michigan Driver's License/State ID number.
Links to both of these amazing resources can be found on the library's website, in the Online Library, in the Product Ratings and Reviews section.
If you like what you see, check out the rest of the digital resources available in the Online Library.
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