Check out our Hiking Kits

Hiking is something the whole family can enjoy. With this in mind, we're inviting you to borrow one of our new Hiking Kits. Included in each kit is:

  • 1 backpack
  • 1 pair of binoculars
  • 1 compass
  • 3 field guide notebooks (So multiple people can record at the same time. Add your observations, thoughts, and sketches to be enjoyed by future users!)
  • 1 sketch kit 
  • 1 deck of Nature Circles
  • Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Natre-Rich Life, by Richard Louv (book)
  • Kaufman Field Guide to Nature of the Midwest, by Kenn Kaufman (book)
  • Ultimate Explorer Field Guide: Wildflowers, by Libby Romero (book)
  • 50 Hikes in Michigan, by Jim DuFresne (book)
  • Sibley's Backyard Birds of the Upper Midwest (brochure)
  • A survey, please fill it out and return it to the library in the backpack

You can check the availability of our Hiking Kits using the library's catalog:

Some other hiking related books and materials at the library:

Epic Hikes of the World

The Appalachian Trail

Charlie & Mouse Outdoors


In Praise of Paths

Take A Hike!

You can also view a list of picture books called "In the Wild" compiled by our Youth Services Librarian:

In the Wild - A Picture Book Guide

List created by cstypa


View Full List

Finally, be sure to visit the following websites to help you find some great outdoor places to spend time: