Director Blog – July 23, 2024

Thanks for your feedback! 

July 23, 2024 


     My very first day as your Library Director was Monday, March 3. The temperature that day was an unseasonable 41 degrees. The first thing I did was to simply stare at the library from the parking lot. After a minute, I shouted, “Let’s go!” and day one was underway.  


We have been full-steam ahead ever since Day 1. Over four and a half months later, we are in the middle of summer and the expected high temperature is 81 degrees. With all the changes at the library, it has taken me 142 days to write my first post on the Director’s page. Over the course of the last few months, the ELPL Team has been super busy with making sure you have access to the newest materials, planning engaging programs, and reaching out to the community, while also making a lot of positive changes internally. 


     Since that mild March morning, a large part of the team’s time has been devoted to a strategic planning process. ELPL has been working with the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) to learn from you how to best serve our community. We connected with over 1200 residents through one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and surveys! This is an amazing number of library lovers sharing their voices with us! 


     The East Lansing Public Library exists to make sure the community has the resources they need to succeed. Your voice is essential as we begin to craft our strategic focus for the future and address our community’s biggest needs. If you were one of the 1200+ who added their opinions and ideas to our strategic plan process, we thank you. If you were not able to formally add your voice, it is not too late to share with the ELPL team. The next time you visit, ask for me, and I will be happy to listen. We want to ensure that the resources you entrust us with are being used to benefit everyone in our diverse community. 


     The formal strategic plan report will be released in late October. The ELPL Team will then get to work using the plan to devise the best services, programs, and outreach for East Lansing. Check back often to this Director page and our website for more details on the strategic plan, and the actions that spring forth from it. The public library is one of the last truly democratic spaces in every community. This is why we encourage and embrace your voice as we build a better East Lansing. Thank you for your participation, and I look forward to working together into the future!