Happy you, Happy family

As a preschool teacher, I am often told by parents that it’s hard to find out what happened at school, except, of course, what their child ate for snack!!  Most kids leave school behind once they are out the door and are looking forward to what comes next.  The website https://happyyouhappyfamily.com/ has a great list of questions for you to ask your child to prompt discussions.  They also have tips on the best children’s books about kindness, how to boost your child’s emotional intelligence, why family goals will make your life easier as a parent…all sorts of helpful topics.  Kelly, the person who hosts this website, calls herself a “recovering perfectionist” and encourages you to not try to be the perfect parent, just a real one.  While on the site you can sign up for a weekly newsletter if you need some encouragement and real life parenting tips. Here's a list of helpful books from our collection.


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When you have some questions about what style of parenting works best for you, here are some books to check out.

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