Aside from picking up your requests from the hold shelves inside the building, ELPL offers two different ways to pick up your held items - Curbside Pickup and our lockers. You can select either of these options when placing a request for a title on our website, and you can also set either one as your default pickup location on your ELPL account. Check out this blog post here for more details.
After you've placed your requests, you'll just need to wait until you're notified via email that at least one of your items is ready for you. The email will show a pickup location for each item - either the lockers or curbside pickup. If you have items going to both places & you'd like to pick them up together, please call us at 517-351-2420 during our open hours: Monday-Thursday 11:00 am - 6:00 pm, and Saturdays 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Once you know that your items are in a locker for you, you can head to the library. Our locker kiosk is located right outside our front door.

Make sure to bring your library card with you, as the system cannot look you up by name. Both the regular cards and the keychain versions will work. You can also type in your library card number by touching the "Enable Keypad" button.

The library card scanner works a lot like the self checkout stations inside the library. The scanner emits a horizontal red laser - just match up the red line with the barcode on your library card. We've found that it helps to hold your card about four to six inches away from the scanner.

Once your card scans, the screen will show you a list of titles that our ready for you. It will also tell you which locker your items are in. It gives a locker number, but don't worry about that - the correct locker will open automatically for you.

If you'd like a receipt, the kiosk can print one out for you. However, the "print" button is on a rather short timer - we suggest hitting "Print" before retrieving your items. Again, the correct locker door will open for you - you can just retrieve your items and close the door.

The lockers are in operation 24/7, so stop by any time at your convenience. They will remain in a locker until the close of business on the day your hold expires - that date will be listed on the email you receive when you're notified that your item is ready for you.
That's it! If you have any questions about the lockers, curbside pickup, or how to get ELPL items while the building is closed, please email us at, or call us at 517-351-2420.
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