Join a Book Club!

You know the feeling when you finish a really good book and you NEED to tell someone about it?? Looking for more friends to talk literature with? Check out some of the book clubs ELPL offers!


Books & Bagels (4th - 6th graders): Every month during the school year we meet with friends to discuss the title of the month, participate in a hands-on activity based on the book, and enjoy bagels courtesy of Big Apple Bagel! Participants (or their parents) must register in advance for this program in person at the service desk. Register early for a free copy of the book to keep!

Book Bites (6th - 8th graders): Every month during the school year, middle schoolers can meet at MacDonald Middle School to discuss the title of the month! This group is only open to current MacDonald Middle School students. Register in the school’s media center. The first 10 who sign up will receive a free book!


Project Lit (9-12th graders): Every other month during the school year, high schoolers can meet at the library to discuss diverse and interesting books!  Project Lit is a national grassroots literacy movement dedicated to increasing access to culturally relevant books and promoting a love of reading in communities across America. These titles often feature authors and/or main characters that are BIPOC and LGBTQ. We hope to nurture anti-racism through reading! Registration and book pick up take place at each meeting for the following meeting. You may also sign up at the service desk at the library if you are interested in participating! Register early to receive a free copy of the next book!


Books on Tap: Join us on the second Tuesday of every month at Reno's East for drinks and a lively book discussion! Open to all, no registration required.

Nature Book Club: Every other month, the Nature Book Club meets at the library for a lively discussion of a non-fiction book about nature. ELPL STEAM Educator Dr. B facilitates these participant-driven conversations. Everyone is invited to join in these discussions, but the group is recommended for teens and adults given the reading-level of the books considered. Light refreshments will be provided. No registration required.