ELPL Strategic Plan
East Lansing Public Library is proud to present our new strategic plan!
This plan was created as the result of a lot of hard work, thoughtful feedback, and dreaming big. This plan will set our priorities and goals, and inform our decisions about budget, programs, materials, partnerships, and more. The plan goes into effect on July 1, 2025, and will guide us through June 30, 2028.
This plan also updates our mission, vision, and values. A mission defines who we are and what we do. A vision describes why we do it, and where we want to go. Our core values reflect our library's strengths, and what makes us unique.

(Or, scroll to read the overview!)
To inspire, serve, and evolve as a source of knowledge, connection, and growth.
We connect our community to each other and the world around us.
Core Values
Staff Excellence • Welcoming Space • Forward-Thinking Mindset • Access for All • Collaborative Spirit
Learn more about our core values below.
Strategic Priorities
Strategic Priorities are the focus areas set by the new plan. Under each priority, there are specific goals to help us make progress in each area. Every year, the library will create an Action Plan with activities that will help us meet the goals. The activities will change from year to year, but the goals and priorities will stay the same. Check out our priorities and goals below.

The Process
The strategic planning process was led by a steering committee comprised of library staff, Board members, and Friends of the Library.
Together, we interviewed 55 community leaders, held five "community conversations" focus groups, and gathered 1,199 survey responses. Based on the work of The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, community members were asked, “What kind of community do you want to live in?” and “How can the library help?”
Our consultants with the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) also gathered benchmarking data from libraries across the country to help us measure how we're doing and where we want go. MCLS worked with the library's Leadership Team to synthesize all the information and bring our community's aspirations to life, and the final plan was approved by the Library Board of Trustees on February 19, 2025.
The development of the strategic plan took many hours and the dedicated effort of many people. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all those who helped make this plan a reality.
- The Library staff for their contributions to the process, and who will ultimately make this plan succeed.
- The members of the Library Board of Trustees for their participation and support of the process.
- The members of the Strategic Planning Committee for their time and expertise in interviewing community leaders and participating in planning meetings.
- The community leaders who agreed to be interviewed for this process, and the community members that took the time to share their aspirations for our community through our community survey and focus groups.
- Special Thanks to Dr. Ahnalee Brincks, Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Michigan State University for help with strategic measurements and data collection advice.
- Finally, an enormous thanks to the East Lansing Community. Thanks for your feedback and support during this important process.
Library Board of Trustees
Pamela Smith, President
Ameenah Asante, Vice President
Shawn Nicholson, Secretary
Polly Synk, Member-at-Large
Amy Zaagman, Member-at-Large
Kevin King, Library Director
Council Liaison: Kerry Ebersole Singh
Operating Committee
Zandra Blake
Scott Drapalik
Chrissie Evaskis-Garrett
Gabby Kindig
Kevin King
Elizabeth Kish
Shori Teeple
Strategic Planning Committee
Ameenah Asante, Board
Eric Berling, Staff
Zandra Blake, Staff
Liesel Carlson, FoELPL
Scott Drapalik, Staff
Conner Ireland, Staff
Gabby Kindig, Staff
Kevin King, Library Director
Diana Marable, Staff
Angelo Moreno, Staff
Melanie Smith, Staff
Pamela Smith, Board
Jennifer Sparrow, FoELPL
Shori Teeple, Staff