September 22, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
East Lansing Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Library Large Meeting Room
950 Abbot Road
1) Call to Order 4:32 p.m.
2) Roll Call
Trustees present were: Diane Goddeeris, Polly Synk, Paul Cervenak (by phone), Amy Zaagman, and Lance Wilkinson. Trustee Paul Cervenak was absent. Also, in attendance were Friends President Maureen McCabe-Power, Director Kristin Shelley, Assistant Director/Head of Customer Experiences Brice Bush, and Executive Assistant to the Director Shori Teeple. City Council Liaison Mayor Jessy Gregg was absent.
3) Opening
A) Approval of September 1, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Zaagman moved
Synk seconded
All in favor
B) Approval of Current Meeting Agenda as amended
Goddeeris moved
Wilkinson seconded
All in favor
4) Communications
A) Audience/Public Comment
- 11 local UAS members shared comments.
5) Reports
A) City Council Liaison Report:
- None
B) Friends of the East Lansing Public Library Report
McCabe-Power had no updates to share.
6) Old Business
A) Construction Update
- New boilers expected to be delivered September 27. Work in administrative hallway to begin 9/20/21.
- Concrete work to resume October 4.
- Asphalt work for half circle driveway to begin October 11.
- Biocide containment was completed in south and center mechanical rooms.
- Progress meetings take place every two weeks.
- Moisture in cafe and Friendshop carpets along front wall will be evaluated by architects and engineers next week. Recommendations to follow.
- Resolution 06-22 for library director to close library as needed for mitigation and construction purposes through September 22, 2022.
Wilkinson moved
Zaagman seconded
All in favor
7) New Business:
A) Staffing Update
- joan miller started as the second part-time Teen Services Specialist.
- Gillian Streeter, new Youth Services Librarian, will begin on October 4.
- MSU Scholar students will assist with programs and projects throughout the semester.
- Lauren Douglass, Head of Technology Services, submitted her resignation. Her last day is Thursday September 30.
B) Resolution 07-22 to close the library at 2:00pm on the Friday of the MSU Homecoming Parade in perpetuity. If there is no homecoming parade the library will not close.
Zaagman moved.
Synk seconded.
All in favor.
C) Other Business
October 20 board meeting changed to October 27, 2021
Goddeeris moved
Synk seconded
All in favor
8) Library Reports
A) Financial Report
Shelley Reported:
- A printed financial report was shared.
B) Director's Report
- A written report was shared.
C) President's Report
9) Announcements
A) None
10) Enter into Executive Session to Discuss Labor Negotiations
Synk moved
Zaagman seconded
All in favor.
Executive Session adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
Goddeeris moved
Wilkinson seconded
All in favor
11) Adjournment
Goddeeris adjourned the meeting at 7:06 p.m.
Board of Trustees
Diane Goddeeris, President
Polly Synk, Vice President
Paul Cervenak, Secretary
Amy Zaagman
Lance Wilkinson
City Council Liaison
Mayor Jessy Gregg
Staff Liaison
Kristin Shelley