Recognition of Gift Levels Policy


Material/Equipment Gifts:

Donations of materials/equipment and funds to purchase materials/equipment will be accepted with the understanding that the Library reserves the right to determine if, and in what manner, the donated items will be used. The Library will make a good faith effort to use monies in accordance with the wishes of the donor(s) and the instructions of the Gift/Donations Form (Appendix A). The Library may refuse proposed gifts if restrictions are counter to Library policies.
Gifts of materials/equipment and items donated become the property of the Library, and are accepted with the understanding that they are subject to the same selection criteria as purchased materials/equipment. Items not selected for the collection may be passed on to another institution or library, or to the Friends of the Library for sale. All proceeds from the sale of donated materials will go to the Friends of the Library to benefit the East Lansing Public Library. Acknowledgement of gifts for tax records may be provided, but appraisal of the value of donated items is not made.

Commemorative book(s) receive a bookplate listing the donor and the honoree and an acknowledgment letter will be sent to the person(s) or family of the person being honored.

Monetary Gifts:

All monetary gifts are recognized with an acknowledgment letter.

Monetary gifts (other than those associated with naming rights and sponsorships) of $2,500 or more will be recognized on the Library’s Donor Recognition Wall.  Four categories of giving are acknowledged on the wall:

Supporter:       $100-$2,499
Sponsor:          $2,500-$19,999
Patron:             $20,000 - $99,999
Benefactor:       $100,000 and above

Donations in the amount of $100 to $2,499 will be recognized on the library’s web site ( donation page for six months, in the library’s newsletter one month and in a non-permanent, easily updated display for one year. The donor will have the option not to have their names included on the library’s web site, newsletter, displays or donor wall.


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