Tool Library Rules
- Library patrons must be 18 years or older to borrow tools from the ELPL Tool Library.
- Only the library cardholder is authorized to use tool library items checked out to their account.
- Borrowed items from the ELPL Tool Library must be returned to the Service Desk during the library's open hours within seven (7) days of checkout.
- If a tool is past due, the patron will be responsible for an overdue fee of $1.50 for each day that the item is late.
- Library patrons may renew tool library items for one additional loan period if no other patron has reserved the tool.
- All tools are to be returned in the same condition in which they were borrowed, apart from normal wear and tear. All tools must be returned clean.
- The East Lansing Public Library is not responsible for manufacturer defects in any borrowed tools.
- The patron agrees that if any borrowed tool becomes unsafe or is in a state of disrepair, he or she must immediately discontinue use of the tool and notify library staff of the issue upon its return.
- The patron agrees to pay for the loss or damage of any item from the tool library and agrees to accept the library's assessment of the condition of items and the fair restitution for damage or loss of items. If you would like to be aware of the cost of the tool(s) you are checking out, please ask a staff member.
- The library reserves the right to refuse the loan of any item at its discretion.